
Love is Sexy on the Radio....

As we approach my delighted return to the radio waves broadcasted from 90.7 KPFK Los Angeles, I find myself reminiscing on my first in studio performance with host DJ Santana. 

I remember it like it was yesterday. (I have always wanted to say that) :)....This delicious journey which led to my first radio performance, embarked one evening  when Santana saw the band and I at an art show I was serenading .  It was that same night  he saw us, that he invited us to come perform on his show Truthseekers Radio.

Fast forward a few weeks later to this beautiful evening of sweet serenade over the airwaves, I found myself dizzy, drunk off glee. :) To my surprise, not only was it my first night singing live in  studio on the radio...but it was the first time that the station had had any artist come in and perform live on air.  To this I say Love is always the exception to the rule. :)  The experience was  a magical  milestone to say the least.  I am aglow just typing about it :)  

Be sure to tune in this Sat February 1st (My birthday by the way!)  (Nooo...thats not too late...Never too late for Love) :) for a live sneak peak into my EP "Love is Sexy" on the one and only Truthseekers Radio on 90.7 KPFK.  till then Love & Light  -J


Jamila live in studio on Truthseekers Radio 90.7KPFK Los Angeles  

Jamila live in studio on Truthseekers Radio 90.7KPFK Los Angeles  


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It all works Out.....

They say a picture is worth a thousand words...but I will fill in the blanks...:) This particular day I had 2 photo shoots  planned for my EP "Love is Sexy" I had asked an acquaintance of mine to join us on set to film some behind the scenes footage of the shoots.  As an artist content is king!!! so the more video pictures songs you have...the better.   Anywho...low and behold both photo shoots that had been planned were cancelled within an hour of one another..Gasp!!! what to do?? :) We stayed aligned with purpose and a mini miracle happened.  The lovely being that agreed to shoot the behind the scenes footage (who is not a photographer by the way) was still avail and more than willing to shoot with me. SO... I decided to ride the wave and Viola!!!  What was potentially a day lost in the journey of this project turned into a delightful day with this being one of the shots that was captured.  Moral of this story.... Its divine when you are aligned...:) Thank you Trick!!!

Jamila Love is Sexy shoot

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So many questions...

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So many questions...

I was thinking one day...something that my fixed air sign affords me  the luxury of on a seemingly constant bases..... This was one of those train's of thought that can not be strayed off its wildly erratic know, that emotionally induced line of questioning...The kind of questions that those from around my neck of the astrological  chart prefer to avoid. Call us crazy but most call us Aquarius. 


I briefly pondered a pose. A mini yoga retreat designed to still the mind....naw...I will sit with this one, I thought.  So it continued.  One question after the next, followed by a flurry of possible outcomes, then onto the next question.  Then... on the 4th sunset I pondered that pose again.  It was then decided. I was taking the yogi solution. I surrendered my body into one of thousands of  divine positions. I summoned the deepest breaths, that now taken consciously,  provided instant gratification.   With each breath my mind began to still....and  after  what seemed like no time at all I began to experience this beautiful blooming sensation enveloping my heart.  Out of the silence which now rang loud in my mind, this emerged from the ether.....


"My mind He thinks....but my heart She knows"


That was it...I had my answer! and with that I had the answer to many more questions to come....all to be answered within a heart beat...all I have to do is be still, breathe...and receive..


Meditation Manifests truth....  "my mind thinks it...and my heart knows it 


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